September 06, 2023
If you're tired all the time, it's exhausting. You may even feel like there's nothing you can do about it. But that's not true! If you're feeling exhausted, there are plenty of things you can do to help yourself feel more energetic and motivated. In fact, I'm energized just thinking about them! So, if these tips sound like something you'd be interested in trying out for yourself, keep reading:
Take a Nap
Naps can help you feel more alert, improve your memory and focus, and even keep you healthy. If you have trouble sleeping at night or just don't get enough sleep during the day (which is common), a nap may be just what the doctor ordered. A short nap of 20-30 minutes will help improve alertness for several hours afterward.
Naps also have been shown to improve learning and memory in young adults as well as older adults who are experiencing age-related memory loss. In fact, research has shown that taking naps can boost productivity by up to 16%!
Exercise in the Morning
You've probably heard that exercise is good for you. But did you know that it helps with sleep? That's right! Exercise has been shown to improve the quality of your sleep and reduce the time it takes for you to fall asleep. It also helps keep your body in shape, which means less tiredness overall.
As a bonus, exercising releases endorphins--the same chemicals released when we feel happy or euphoric--into our brains, making us feel happier about ourselves too! This can be especially helpful if you're feeling down about something else going on in your life right now (like being tired).
Exercise won't solve everything, but it will help!
Get to Bed Earlier
To get the most out of your sleep, it's important to go to bed earlier. The amount of sleep you need depends on your age:
As you get older, though, your body naturally gets less restful sleep--so if you're not getting enough shut eye now and then don't worry too much about it--you may just need a little extra TLC from time to time. But if you find yourself regularly feeling tired throughout the day despite getting plenty of shuteye at night? That's probably a sign that something needs adjusting for you to start feeling better again!
Eat smaller meals more often.
The first thing to do is to eat smaller meals more often. This will help you stay energized, as well as prevent overeating and weight gain. Eating a healthy diet and avoiding junk food will also help you feel better throughout the day, so make sure to incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains into your daily routine.
Don't skip meals! Skipping breakfast or lunch can lead to cravings later in the day when hunger strikes again--and those cravings may not be for something healthy! Instead of skipping meals entirely (which isn't good for you), try eating something small like an apple or banana before heading out for work so that when it comes time for lunchtime rolls around again at 1 p.m., there won't be any temptation present from skipped breakfasts earlier on in the day.
Drink enough water every day.
Water is a great way to flush toxins from your body, keep you hydrated and feeling full for longer, aid digestion and weight loss efforts, help with muscle recovery after an intense workout or long day at work (or both).
You should aim for eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day--that's about three liters! If that seems like too much liquid to drink in one sitting... well... it probably is. Try splitting up those three liters into smaller amounts throughout the day instead of trying to chug them all at once. For example: Drink two cups right away when you wake up; then have another two cups before lunchtime; then another two after dinner time (and maybe one more before bedtime).
Create a sleep ritual.
Sleep is essential to feeling rested, alert and energized. If you're not getting enough sleep, then it's likely that your energy levels will suffer as a result.
You can do several things to help improve the quality of your sleep--and they don't require any fancy gadgets or devices:
Keep a to-do list, but don't let it stress you out.
A to-do list is an essential tool for staying organized and productive. It can be used to track all the tasks that need doing in one's daily life, from making dinner reservations to paying bills.
However, many people find that keeping a running list of things they need to do stresses them out because they feel their list is never-ending and they never get everything done on it. This feeling of overwhelm leads some people with anxiety disorders or depression (or both) into an even deeper cycle of fatigue and stress than if they hadn't been keeping such a detailed record in the first place!
If you follow these tips, you'll be on your way to feeling less tired.
If you're tired, it's likely because you're not getting enough sleep. Sleep is essential for our bodies to function properly, and when we don't get enough of it, we can feel sluggish and fatigued throughout the day.
If you want to feel less tired, make sure that your bedtime routine includes at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. If this doesn't help with chronic fatigue symptoms (like feeling exhausted after waking up), then there may be other factors contributing to how tired or energized you feel during the day--such as stress levels or diet choices (more on those later).
Stress also plays a big role in how energized or lethargic people feel; if there are any areas where someone could reduce their stress levels by making changes like exercising regularly or meditating daily -- those would be great ways of helping themselves become less fatigued overall!
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