July 06, 2023
As a parent, you know that sleep is important for both your physical and mental health. But did you also know that getting more sleep can also help you save money? Better sleep quality means less stress—and financial stress is linked with poor sleep quality. So, the next time you're awake in the middle of the night worrying about bills or wondering when your next vacation will be, think about how getting more rest might help reduce your stress levels and improve your overall financial situation too!
Financial stress and sleep are linked.
Cortisol is known as the stress hormone which sends brain signals to your adrenal glands to release it whenever you encounter a perceived threat. During a typical day, our bodies have lower cortisol levels around midnight. So, when we have financial stress, our bodies release Cortisol which in turn can disrupt sleep.
Financial stress can cause sleep problems, which in turn can lead to financial stress. It's a vicious cycle that can be difficult to break out of if you're not careful!
Saving money improves sleep quality.
There are many benefits of getting a good night's sleep. For one, it can help you save money and make better financial decisions.
A study published in the Journal of Financial Services Research found that people who get enough sleep have better financial health than those who don't get enough rest. They spend less money on impulse buys and are more likely to save for retirement--meaning they're less likely to run out of funds later in life when they're no longer able to work full-time. According to research conducted by Stanford University School of Medicine, people who sleep less than six hours each night spend an average $1,100 more per year than those who get seven hours or more every night--and this is true even after controlling for factors like age, gender and income level!
You can save money by making small changes to your current spending habits.
If you're looking to save money, the best place to start is by making small changes in your current spending habits.
For example:
Getting more sleep is one way to save money.
Sleep is a basic human need, but it's also important for your health. Getting enough sleep can help you feel more energetic and productive throughout the day, and it may even improve your ability to make smart financial decisions.
Sleep problems can be caused by financial stress, which has been linked to poor sleep quality in several studies. Financial stress affects how much time you spend sleeping at night--and how well you sleep while awake--by causing anxiety or depression that disrupts normal sleep patterns. In turn, poor sleep has been shown to increase feelings of stress as well as raise cortisol levels.
To save money on things like groceries and gas bills (which can add up quickly), try making small changes to your current spending habits:
All in all, getting more sleep is one way to save money, especially when combined with other financial practices like budgeting, paying off debt and planning.
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